Knowledge education business

30000+ platform users
2500+ global students
50+ Corporate CLIENTS

In terms of the design mechanics, we grouped all the roles within the organization into four cohorts based on learning needs and used a very structured approach to develop customized learning journeys for each of the cohorts.In each learning journey, we provide users with a complete learning experience in the form of kickoff presentation, E-learning and offline training camp.

Training and Consulting Solutions

Information Consulting Service Business

Telephone consultation
Provide directly private conversation opportunities with private client and suitable experts.
online meeting
Provide direct online networking opportunities for business representatives and appropriate our experts.
Enterprise interview
In an effort to ensure our clients have ample opportunity to communicate face-to-face with our experts.
customer travel
ensure that our experts are working with clients to achieve common goals.

Corporate consulting business

Consumer finance
credit card
SME financing

Provide clients with integrated solutions for risk management in different business scenarios.